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Protection Visa

Protection Visa - Subclass 866

Individuals fleeing persecution in their home countries qualify for a protection visa (866).

  • Race
  • Religion
  • Nationality
  • Political opinions
  • Membership in a Special Social Group

To qualify for this visa, the applicant must be shown to trigger Australia’s protection responsibilities due to one of the following reasons:

  • Possess one of the criteria for refugee status outlined in the 1951 Refugee Convention.
  • Comply with the Australian Migration Act of 1958’s Complementary Protection requirements.

Benefits of visa

  • Spend your days as a permanent resident of Australia, where you can both play and work.
  • Australian Healthcare System (Medicare) and Centrelink Services Availability

Eligibility criteria

  • You are not an illegal immigrant if you have a valid visa to enter Australia and did not arrive in Australia by illicit means (such as via boat or aeroplane).
  • The Australian government may rely on you to fulfill its protection responsibilities.
  • You’re making an argument for Australia’s security.
  • You have documentation establishing that you are a refugee as defined by the Refugee Convention or that you meet the Supplemental Protection Standards outlined in the Australian Migration Act of 1958.
  • The filing of a Security Visa application by you has not been denied.
  • If you want a visa, you must convince the minister that it’s for a good reason.
  • You’re physically and morally fit for this role.

Family members

The following family members can accompany you on your visa application:

  • Whoever you’re with is your partner (married or actually)
  • You or your partner’s dependents
  • Various Other Dependent Relatives

Charges for obtaining a visa

Please inquire about our visa application fee.

Thousands of clients have benefited from Gem Services’ knowledge and experience in preparing their cases following current immigration rules, increasing their chances of getting their visa applications approved. We’ve been around for a while, and during that time, we’ve proven time and time again that we can reliably deliver high-quality services on time.

Drop us a line whenever you need us; our migration agent will be there to help you in any way they can, whether you’re feeling overwhelmed by the complexity of your case, confused about the visa alternatives available to you, or need assistance with the paperwork.

Visa Details

Visa Subclass:
Length of stay:
From Aud 40
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