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Visitor Visa

Child Visa – Subclass 101

Australia’s qualified parents can legally sponsor a kid under 18 using a Child Visa Subclass 101. Parents must be permanent residents of Australia, either as Australian citizens or as New Zealand nationals who have been living in Australia for at least two years. If the minor is under eighteen, parental consent is required for the adoption process. The child must not be in Australia at the time the visa is applied. The advantages that come with a subclass 101 permanent visa for a child are as follows:

  • The child is free to remain in Australia
  • qualified for continued education
  • competent to function in Australia
  • Benefits from medical attention
  • Authorized to provide sponsorship for immediate family
  • The kid is free to leave and return to Australia.

Australian-born children

Children born in Australia are automatically granted Australian citizenship. Children with one Australian citizen or permanent resident parent are also eligible for citizenship. These minors can move to Australia without a visa.

Australian-born children born somewhere else

If neither of a child’s parents is an Australian citizen, the child will need to apply for a permanent visa. However, children with at least one Australian parent must apply for citizenship.

Adopt a child

Visa subclass 102 is for prospective adoptive parents from Australia who meet specific requirements. Only adopting parents awarded Australian citizenship or a permanent residence visa can apply for a subclass 101 visa for their kid. The following criteria must be met for a kid to apply for a subclass 101 visa:

Or the parent or the parent’s spouse is providing financial support.

  • At the time of visa application, the minor must be without a spouse or significant other and under 18.
  • A minor living with a de facto or married partner is not permitted.
  • If your child is between 18 and 25, he must be enrolled as a full-time student. No marriage or engagement is permitted for the minor. There was no break in education for the candidate. If there has been a hiatus of more than six months.
  • If the child is over 18 but unable to work due to a mental or physical disability, the parents who sponsor them will continue to provide for them. For visa purposes, the disabled child must be unrelated to anyone who will be supporting them.

The Bond Between Sponsored Parents and Their Children

Applicants must be either the biological or adopted child of the sponsoring parents.

A step-parent relationship between the sponsored parent and the child is possible. (A stepparent’s connection with their partner may be severed, but that does not relieve them of their legal obligation to care for the child.)


The responsibility of guaranteeing financial support falls on the sponsor’s parents, not the Australian government or taxpayers. The applicant is obligated to meet health and character standards. If the minor is older than 16, they will need to give a criminal record check covering the preceding decade. The application includes a list of the applicant’s dependents.

Visa Details

Visa Subclass:
Length of stay:
From AUD 2,710
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