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Parent Visa

Non Contributory Parent Visas - Subclass 103

This visa may be correct for you if you are a settled Australian citizen or permanent resident who wants to bring your parents to Australia to live with you. But before you apply, you should know that the waiting times for this visa are so extensive that many people may never actually get the visa in their lives.

Contributory parent visas are for parents who want to immigrate quickly but are willing to pay a much higher application price (link).

Parent visa application process

  • Preserve visa and sponsorship requests in a secure location.
  • Patiently await visa evaluation.
  • If you are found to be deserving of a visa, your application will be added to a waiting list.
  • A visa is required to move forward in line (this could take up to 50 years).
  • Perform another medical examination at the time your visa is up for renewal.
  • Submit the second visa payment.
  • The visa request has been approved.

Aged parent visas

Non-contributory parent visas come in two varieties. Those with parents younger than Australia’s pension age (now 65) can apply for one, while those older can apply for the other. The old parent visa (subclass 804) can be sought inside Australia, meaning you to remain in Australia. Your application is pending and can be granted.

A bridging visa cannot be issued to applicants under the pension age who are applying outside of Australia.

Requirements for obtaining a parent visa

Non-contributory parent visa eligibility requirements include:

  • Your benefactor currently resides in Australia.
  • There are more kids in Australia than in any other country.
  • You and your family have plans to pay back the Australian government for any social services you or any household members use in the first two years after your visa is granted.
  • There is no reason to deny your visa application because of your health.

Common problems for applicants

  • For this, you’ll need to show proof that your sponsor has a permanent address in Australia.
  • The annual quota for this sort of visa means the wait time is between 30 and 50 years.
  • After applying for a non-contributory parent visa (link), if you decide you want to apply for a contributory parent visa instead, you must withdraw the non-contributory parent visa application.
  • You must be informed of when your existing visa expires and what the terms of that visa are. If your visa expires without renewal, you may face serious consequences even if you apply for a new one the next day.

Parent visa application FAQ

Outside of Australia for subclass 103 (younger parent).

Parent over 65 (Subclass 804): Australia.

Non-aged parent (Subclass 103): International.

Aged parent (Subclass 804): Australia.

Subclasses 103 and 804 include minor children and spouses/de facto, partners. Your adult children must be dependent on you financially.

Class 103 and Class 804: This visa does not qualify for a health waiver.

For the 103rd and 804th sections: This position is permanent and includes a 5-year travel option. The only catch is that if you leave Australia for more than five years and then wish to return, you’ll need to apply for a resident return visa.

Visa Details

Visa Subclass:
Length of stay:
From AUD 6,490
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